PowerShell one-liners cheat sheet

PowerShell is a powerful and flexible command-line shell and scripting language used by IT professionals and power users. One of its greatest strengths is the ability to perform tasks with just a single line of code. This "cheat sheet" article provides an overview of some of the most useful PowerShell one-liners for administrators, developers, and other technical professionals. Whether you're a seasoned PowerShell expert or just getting started, this article is an essential resource for anyone looking to streamline their work and increase their efficiency. With concise, easy-to-remember examples and explanations, this cheat sheet is the perfect tool for anyone looking to get the most out of their PowerShell experience.

And I also found an interesting video on Channel9 about combining commands into one line.

And here is my PowerShell one-liner cheat sheet:

Get PowerShell version:

Get-Host | Select Version

Get your public IP address:

(Invoke-RestMethod ipinfo.io/json).ip

Get Windows uptime (-Since parameter will show you last boot time):

Get-Uptime -Since

Enable TLS 1.2 support:

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

Get Active Directory latest shadow copy backup date:

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{Logname = "Directory Service";ID=1917}

Get a list of disabled users from Active Directory

Search-ADAccount -UsersOnly -AccountDisabled

Send an email:

Send-MailMessage -From 'bob@outlook.com' -To 'sam@outlook.com', 'john@outlook.com' -Subject 'Bob CV' -Body 'Here is my CV' -Attachments .cv.pdf -Priority High -DeliveryNotificationOption OnSuccess, OnFailure -SmtpServer 'smtp-mail.outlook.com' -port 587 -UseSsl

Get a list of all non-Windows servers that have not contacted Active Directory in the last 30 days

Get-ADComputer -Filter { OperatingSystem -notlike "Windows Server*" } -Properties PasswordLastSet | ? { (((Get-Date) – $_.PasswordLastSet).Days) -gt 30} | Select Name, @{N="Age";E={ (((Get-Date) – $_.PasswordLastSet).Days) }}

Copy item to the clipboard

Get-Childitem | Set-Clipboard

Get EC2 instances with a specific name (in the example, containing `dev` in a name)

(Get-EC2Instance -Filter @{Name = "tag:Name"; Value = "*dev*"}).Instances | select @{n = "Name";e={($_.Tag | ? Key - eq "Name").Value}}, PrivateIpAddress

Get EC2 instances without any IAM roles attached:

(Get-EC2Instance).Instances | ? {!$_.IamInstanceProfile.Arn} | select @{n = "Name";e={($_.Tag | ? Key - eq "Name").Value}}, InstanceId, PrivateIpAddress, {$_.IamInstanceProfile.Arn}

Get EC2 instances count grouped by family/type:

# Get a list of all instances
$instances = (Get-EC2Instance).Instances

# Show all instances
$instances | group InstanceType | select Name, @{n = 'Total';e={$_.Count}}, @{n = 'Running';e={($_.Group | ? { $_.state.Name - eq "running" }).Count}}, @{n = 'Stopped';e={($_.Group | ? { $_.state.Name - eq "stopped" }).Count}}

# Show all instances grouped by family
$instances | group {$_.InstanceType.ToString().Split('.')[0]} | select Name, @{n = 'Total';e={$_.Count}}, @{n = 'Running';e={($_.Group | ? { $_.state.Name - eq "running" }).Count}}, @{n = 'Stopped';e={($_.Group | ? { $_.state.Name - eq "stopped" }).Count}}

# Show all instances grouped by type
$instances | group {$_.InstanceType.ToString().Split('.')[1]} | select Name, @{n = 'Total';e={$_.Count}}, @{n = 'Running';e={($_.Group | ? { $_.state.Name - eq "running" }).Count}}, @{n = 'Stopped';e={($_.Group | ? { $_.state.Name - eq "stopped" }).Count}}

Remove unused AMI images:

$usedamis = ((Get-EC2Instance).Instances | select ImageId -unique).ImageId
Get-EC2Image -Owner "_your_owner_id_" | ? ImageId -notin $usedamis | Unregister-EC2Image

Get a list of unused subnets:

Get-EC2Subnet | ? SubnetId -notin (Get-EC2Instance).Instances.SubnetId | select AvailabilityZone, VpcId, SubnetId, CidrBlock

Get a hard drive temparature (run as Administrator):

Get-PhysicalDisk | select FriendlyName, @{N="Temperature"; E={($_ | Get-StorageReliabilityCounter).Temperature}}